Okay, okay...so I know it's been said [by me] a million times that I intended to keep this current [and then apologizing for not doing so]. I have legit reasons for the last about 6 months, but it's a long story that I'd rather not get into--at least not right now. Let's just say it's been more than hectic and if I feel like I can, I'll explain more later, but I will say this was a major contributing factor. (This was taken 1 week post-surgery. I still had the steri-strips and stitches at this point. I saw my leg/foot for about 10 min. before it was back in the compression wraps, etc.)
It wasn't an injury incurred at the time, it was fixing a 17 year old problem that had become debilitating and would eventually leave me completely debilitated unless I had surgery. That choice wasn't a hard one, but the recovery wasn't easy either. Anyways...that's part of my excuse--Diagnosis: Accessory Navicular with posterior tibial tendon enthesopathy of the right foot. Basically, I broke my foot jumping out of a tree (instead of climbing down to a lower limb, I jumped out from upper branches) when I was 11 and I never went to the doctor--aside from the chiropractor. It healed wrong--actually, it didn't heal completely. The bone that I broke (navicular) is right in the arch and it's where the tendon (posterior tibial tendon) hooks into your foot. It's a stabilizing tendon so it's always working whether you're walking or standing or whatever, so it kept pulling on the broken bone which kept it from healing and also stretched the tendon out, AND, since the bone was continually trying to heal itself it kept building extra bone, SO...had to have the extra/ossified bone and the broken bone removed and then the tendon reattached. It was a good time [/font=sarcastica] Anyways...I won't go on about it any longer. The recovery was long, but there were a lot of other things going on that contributed besides surgery/recovery/physical therapy. The good news is that the surgery was successful--after almost 20 years of taking the maximum amount of ibuprofen that a person can take in a day, most days, I never take it for my foot now. If I do take ibuprofen, 2 of them take care of it--and it's usually for a headache or something like that--not my foot. It's pretty amazing/liberating and I'm able to do a lot of things that I hadn't even realized I'd shied away from doing over time. One thing I got out of was taking photos. I'm, by no means, any kind of photographer, but I love taking pictures. The world is a beautiful place and I love the colors and vibrancy of the things around me--even mundane every day things, so on Pinterest, I ran across a photo-a-day thing and decided I wanted to do one. I don't know that it'd work out this way on here, but I'd love to have a photo group for more people than just me, to post on. For now it's just me, so I really should be keeping this thing updated while I stick to this. :) That's what my next post(s) will be about.
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